جهت خرید و استعلام قیمت با شماره ی 02168110 تماس بگیرید

Waterproof Exterior – 244×122

External waterproof plywood 244×122 is a type of plywood designed for use in external applications. It is made using waterproof glue and its outer layers are made of water-resistant wood such as birch wood. This makes the board resistant to rotting, swelling and other water damage.

Additional information

Dimensions 2440 × 1220 cm
ضخامت (میلی‌متر)

30, 27, 24, 21, 18, 15, 12, 9, 6, 4



انتشار فرمالدهید


Grade Guid

C (4)

CP (3)

BB (2)

B (1)

With defects

Partly accrete and knots

Patches and repaired knots

Whithout knots