جهت خرید و استعلام قیمت با شماره ی 02168110 تماس بگیرید

تخته تراشه ای

OSB 2440×1220 – Oriented Strand Board

OSB (Oriented Strand Board) is a type of processed wood board that is produced from wood strands and special adhesives under high pressure. Due to their high strength, impact resistance, suitable insulation against heat, stability in shape and reasonable price, these boards have many applications in the construction and furniture industries, packaging industries and automotive industries.

Additional information

Dimensions 244 × 122 cm
ضخامت (میلی‌متر)

18, 15, 12, 9

Grade Guid

C (4)

CP (3)

BB (2)

B (1)

With defects

Partly accrete and knots

Patches and repaired knots

Whithout knots