جهت خرید و استعلام قیمت با شماره ی 02168110 تماس بگیرید

Plywood in the container industry

Due to its unique features, plywood is used in the container industry. This material offers several advantages over traditional materials such as wood, ceramic and plastic, including:

  • Strength and durability: made of thin layers of wood that are pressed together with glue. This structure makes it very strong and durable and resistant to impact, scratches and wear.
  • Water resistance: It is covered with various coatings such as epoxy resin or polyurethane, which makes it resistant to water and moisture. This makes it suitable for making food and beverage containers.
  • Flexibility: Can be cut and bent into different shapes and sizes. This makes it suitable for making containers with unique and creative designs.
  • Light weight: lighter than traditional materials such as wood and ceramic. This makes it easier to transport and use.
  • Beauty: Available in different colors and designs. This makes the dishes beautiful and attractive.

Containers made with plywood

Plates and bowls: It is suitable for making plates and bowls in different shapes and sizes.

تخته چندلایه بشقاب

Tray: It is suitable for making a tray for serving food and drinks.

سینی ساخته شده با تخته چندلایی

Serving dishes: Plywood can be used to make food serving dishes, serving dishes, and nut dishes.

تخته چندلایی در صنعت ظروف

Decorative containers: It can be used to make decorative containers such as boxes, photo frames and statues.

ظروف دکوری با تخته چندلا

Advantages for container manufacturers:

Cost reduction: It is cheaper than traditional materials such as wood and ceramics. This allows container manufacturers to reduce their production costs.
Increase production efficiency: can be easily cut and bent. This allows container manufacturers to increase their production efficiency.
Creating diversity in products: Available in different colors and designs. This allows container manufacturers to diversify their products.

Here are some examples of companies using plywood in the container industry:

IKEA: Uses plywood to make a wide range of kitchen and dining utensils.

Ikea logo

Crate and Barrel: This American company uses plywood to make serving and decorative containers.

crate and barrel logo

West Elm: West Elm uses plywood to make furniture and homeware.

west elm logo

Due to its extraordinary beauty and durability, we will definitely see a significant growth in the use of plywood in the container industry in the coming years.